When the Holy Spirit descended on the Day of Pentecost, it is described as a violent rushing wind and tongues of fire. It is peculiar that the Spirit is described in this way, because elsewhere in the Bible, He is described as a dove, as living water, as a gentle whisper. Why is it that here, the Spirit is described as a violent wind and flames of fire? I believe the Spirit was described in this way to emphasize His power. He was described as a violent rushing wind, because the power of the Holy Spirit was breaking into our world for the first time. Both wind and fire are powerful elements that affect their surroundings and change them. After the disciples received the Holy Spirit, they were changed indelibly. When we are filled with Spirit, we become powerful, bold witnesses for Christ. “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline” (2 Tim 1:7).
The nature of the Holy Spirit does not always speak only in gentle whispers. Sometimes He comes like a violent rushing wind, sometimes He comes as tongues of fire. He is an uncontrollable, untamable force. Often times what hinders our Christian growth, is that we try hard to control everything; we try so much to tame the Holy Spirit when in fact, we are the ones to be tamed by the Spirit to totally abandon ourselves to do His will. I know this sounds kinda scary, but if we don’t have an element of wildness in our walk with God, we may not be letting the Spirit fully manifest Himself through us. Yes, we are to be as gentle as doves. Yes, we are supposed to be girded with kindness and humility. But the same Spirit that causes us to be humble and gentle, causes us to preach the Gospel to 3000 people in such a powerful, persuasive way that they all get saved in one day. That same Spirit causes us to call out the power of the evil one and cast it out. That same Spirit causes us to stand before our accusers and persecutors and boldly proclaim the Gospel! Our God is not only a gentle lamb, but a roaring lion!!!
If we are to manifest this character of God we have to grow in a supernatural kind of boldness, even a wildness, a wildness of heart like John the Baptist! Teach me to be wild at heart like You God! Our God is not only a gentleman, but a FIERCE WARRIOR!! God, teach me to cultivate a certain wildness, a certain uncontrolled, untamed surrender to the Holy Spirit. Teach me to cultivate this wild at heart devotion and love for You and for others! Increase that kind of boldness in preaching the Gospel. Increase Your Spirit of valor in my life!