What is the Gospel?

“[Be] ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.” (1 Peter 3:15)

Gospel is translated “Good News.” It is what God has done in Christ to save us from our sins. Many Christians don’t know how to share the gospel. They know it but haven’t shared it enough in a simple, clear, organized way. If we are people defined by the gospel, it would be ridiculous for us to not know how to explain it to a nonbeliever. Peter says, “Always be ready to explain to someone about the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15 paraphrased)

What is the Good News?
It can be divided into four parts: 1. Creation  2. Fall  3. Redemption  4. New Creation

1.     Creation: God is the Creator of the universe; He created us with a special, unique identity and makeup. Unlike the animals, we were created in God’s image, to have a special relationship with Him. He gave us His Spirit to commune with Him.

2.     Fall: But man sinned against God and rather wanted to become our own gods. This destroyed our relationship with God, one another, and the rest of creation. As a result, all humanity was born under the power of sin. This brought death and decay into our world.  

3.     Redemption: But God had a plan to save His creation. He sent Jesus who lived a perfect sinless life and died to receive the penalty for our sins. He rose again, defeating sin and death. Those who put their trust in Him will be forgiven and restored in their relationship with God.

4.     New Creation: At the end of all things, God will restore all creation to Himself. Jesus will come back as a ruler and a judge. He will destroy the evil, worldly system, and the work of Satan once and for all. He will create a new heaven and a new earth. All creation will be renewed. God will live on earth with humanity. No more sin, pain, tears. We will enter a new chapter of this world into eternity.


This is one way to explain the gospel to someone. Review it, understand it, and share it as often as you can, so it becomes yours and you can share from your heart.

Action Step

Who is someone you can share this gospel message with this week?