Why Do We Evangelize? (02)

“Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” (Hebrews 9:27)

When we are young we don’t think about death much. But as we grow older, it is inevitable that we have a brush with death whether in our own lives or that of others. Naturally we think death is a negative thing. But in fact, it can be the most sobering experience that catalyzes positive change in our lives. A few years after college, I had my encounter with death. I had never been to a funeral before then, but that year I went to four funerals, and two of them happened back-to-back in two weeks time. One week I went to a funeral and a wedding Saturday and Sunday, and the second week the same thing happened— I went to a wedding and then a funeral.

The person who died was the sister of one of the leaders of my young adult group at church. She was 33 years old, attractive and had a promising career ahead of her. But one summer she fell, had a brain hemorrhage and never woke up. The funerals were somber, sobering experiences as if someone hit me on the head with a hammer, to wake me up to realize how short and transient our lives are. Death is the inevitable end of every human being.

The day after the funeral, I went to the wedding of a close friend. Everyone was having a great time, drinking wine, dancing. The mood was jovial. But I couldn’t help thinking about the funeral the day before. The wedding, the celebration, it didn’t seem real. I felt like I was watching a Hollywood movie. It felt as if all these partying people missed the point.

This experience forced me to ask, “What is the quintessential thing for us to figure out before we die?” It was to get in a right relationship with God. I came to the conclusion that during our short time on earth, we should be helping people come to grips with this reality. Nothing can motivate us with greater urgency to evangelize than an encounter with death.

Give us the wisdom to understand how transient and fleeting our lives are. Let there be an urgency in our hearts to preach the gospel to those who do not know You.